China and Africa cooperation on Scientific and Technological Areas

The Science Technology Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA) is among the six Africa Union’s continental frameworks for leveraging its engagements with China. Currently, Science, research and innovation are weapons that the Chinese government has deployed in its fight against the novel coronavirus.

In doing so, China significantly mitigated the risks arising from COVID-19 and transferred the same practice to Africa. Unlike the west, Chinese, officials and specialists from departments of health and customs have held virtue conferences with representatives from African countries and the World Health Organization to share information and experience on combating COVID-19.

Remarkably , China proposal for the China-Africa Partnership Plan on Digital Innovation, which covers a wide range of areas previously highlighted by the Chinese president, Xi Jinping at the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19 in 2020.

According president Xi Jinping, China will explore broader cooperation with Africa in such new business forms as digital economy, smart city, and 5G.

For me I think, that the digital innovation partnership will see China providing support to African countries in applying digital technologies in key areas,

 First, is the digital education to overcome constraints to having the requisite manpower for driving the digital innovation project?

Through the Science Technology Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA), it is critical for China to implement the to implement knowledge exchange and digital skills development programmes such as the “Talented Young Scientist Program”, the “Cirrus Innovative Talent Exchange Program” and other initiatives to step up China-Africa cooperation on education.

Second, strengthening digital infrastructure connectivity, will see Chinese enterprises working with their African partners to participate in digital infrastructure projects like fiber optic backbone networks, cross-border connectivity and new-generation mobile communication networks.

China must continue to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan and the China-Africa Science and Technology Partnership Program to help promote Africa’s capacity-building in S&T and innovation in areas that improve people’s livelihood and promote the economic and social development of African countries. In doing so, china will be helping Africa in the implementation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024).

However, it is critical for the two sides can adopt a joint healthcare strategy guided by the WHO’s Ouagadougou Declaration on Primary Health Care and Health Systems in Africa, which focuses on health service delivery, leadership and governance for health, health financing, human resources, health technologies and information systems, partnerships for health development, community ownership and participation, and research.

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