The Military Junta in West Africa courting Neo-liberty from the West

The euphoria that has engulfed the West Africa countries might be an indicator of what to come in the future across the continent. Speaking in Russia, Capt. Ibrahim Traore, 35, President of Burkina Faso “My generation does not understand this: how can Africa, which has so much wealth, become the poorest continent in the world today?”
Perhaps reading from Captain Thomas Sankara play book, who took power during the revolution which started on August 4, 1983. Wearing a smile, he made demands that left colonial powers shocked and bewildered. He once called for ignoring the debts of African states in the West, pointing to the colonial exploitation of Africa by Europe.
As president, he usually appeared in military uniform with his trademark red beret. His strict style of clothing stood in strong contrast to his hobbies.

The unfolding

The new wave of youth backed military coups in West Africa is inspired by Autocrats rule with an even tighter grip from the west. The end game is to lead Africa in true decolonization and end Africa’s former colonial rulers from exploiting Africa’s abundant resources whilst Africa is steeped in poverty, disease and civil wars.

While the African Union, European Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) condemns an “attempted coup d’état” in Niger and called for President Mohamed Bazoum to be liberated amid reports that members of the presidential guard were holding him inside his palace.

The military governments of Mali and Burkina Faso are threatening war with “disastrous consequences” if Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS led by Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu invades Niger and use military force against new junta to restore constitutional order.

In this regard, the current pressing question in both political scholarship and popular culture: what defines a coup.  It’s only a coup if it comes from the Coup region of France; or otherwise it’s just Sparkling Authoritarianism.

Where Coup and Democracy meet

The West has supported popular protests to overthrow democratically governments of Sudan, Ukraine & Egypt. They also unsuccessfully supported protests in Venezuela, Iran & Syria.

Why can’t the people of Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea decide on what kind of government they want?

Even though a Revolutionary once again is emerging in our continent and the spirit of Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara is alive. Africa needs foreign investors. It needs stability and democracy.

Further, the claim by the soldierly elite that foreign involvement is neo-colonialism might just be to prey in their people’s emotions and stay in power. So, these coups won’t make Africa strong, they’ll keep it poor.

The unfinished business of the Arab Spring

Notably, the coups in West Africa has familiar echoes from the Arab spring that come after months of protests.

Twelve years ago, much of the Arab world erupted in jubilant revolt against the dictatorial regimes whose corruption, cruelty and mismanagement had mired the Middle East in poverty and backwardness for decades.

Today, the hopes awakened by the protests have vanished — but the underlying conditions that drove the unrest are as acute as ever.

The unfinished business of the Arab Spring

Notably, the coups in West Africa has familiar echoes from the Arab spring that come after months of protests.

Twelve years ago, much of the Arab world erupted in jubilant revolt against the dictatorial regimes whose corruption, cruelty and mismanagement had mired the Middle East in poverty and backwardness for decades.

Today, the hopes awakened by the protests have vanished — but the underlying conditions that drove the unrest are as acute as ever.

The China- Africa partnership has generated intense campaigns of disinformation and blatant misrepresentation of both China and Africa. These campaigns depict both China and Africa as corrupt. Moreover, a sinister China is trapping ignorant Africans in debt. Regrettably, the China-Africa partnership has become a battlefield for the competition between an ascendant China and Africa’s other partners from the West.

The basis of China’s relations with Africa-its formal commitment to sovereignty, non-interference, equality and mutual respect-has formed an attractive contrast to that of the West. China is fully committed to its values of engagement: playing a just, impartial and positive role to help Africa build up its own peacekeeping capacity; addressing root causes as well as symptoms of major challenges; and pursuing win-win cooperation.

Africa is also eager to identify relevant measures for the implementation of the China-Africa peace and security initiative, in line with Africa’s current situation and actual needs.

The third China-Africa Peace and Security Forum was a suitable move toward the implementation of the peace and security initiatives agreed upon at the FOCAC 2018 summit and the global security initiative.

About China-Africa

The Centre for China-Africa Policy is designed to promote quality scientific research and champion an Africa-Centred perspective on Sino-Africa relations to contribute to a genuine understanding, mutual respect and tolerance across civilizations.

Our aims is to demystify the Myths/Untruths around China-Africa Relations. We focus more on confidence building by showing with numbers and quantify china’s footprints in Africa and the world at large.

Our research presents data that enables policymakers in countries along Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) corridors to make evidence-based assessments of how to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of participating in the BRI.

The research also aims to inform the public debates surrounding on China Africa Relations and Belt and Road Initiative, by grounding the discussion in data and analysis.

The Centre has over 100 affiliated professionals in a wide variety of fields, including: languages, the humanities, the social sciences, agriculture, business, engineering, education, fine arts, environmental studies and conservation, journalism, and law. We currently have full-time Outreach Director oversees an active program that provides mentorship for our employees.

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